- 50/50 salt pepper, thoroughly mixed. I usually keep it in a Tupperware container premixed since I use a salt-pepper mix a lot. A 17 lb brisket takes about a half cup of each (ish).
- A roll of pink butcher paper. I get mine from Amazon. The wider the better, 24″ or wider is pretty good.
- A roll of heavy duty aluminum foil, again, wider the better.
- 1 jar of Stubbs “Sweet Heat” or “Sticky Sweat” BBQ sauce (for the burnt ends)
- 1/2 cup of brown sugar (for the burnt ends)
- A disposable baking pan for the burnt ends, depends on the size of the meat you’re cooking. A 9×13 pan usually does great for a 17lb brisket.
- Trim the brisket. There’s plenty of videos on this, Aaron Franklin’s videos on YouTube are very good and I highly recommend them. Video #1. Video #2.
- Sprinkle the brisket with the 50/50 mix of salt and pepper, liberally, on both sides.
- I usually let the brisket sit in the fridge for a few hours, uncovered, with the salt and pepper on it.
- Fire up the Egg and get it stable at 225-250F indirect. I put the heat deflectors on the lower position. Add your wood for smoking, I’m a big fan of pecan.
- Drop the meat on the Egg and get your temp probes setup; one on the grate, one on the flat, and one on the point.
- At about 165 (flat), or when you hit the stall, wrap the brisket in the pink butcher paper, and then put it back on the Egg. I usually make my piece of paper big enough that I can go around it twice.
- Pull the brisket at ~205 or when it probes like butter.
- Unwrap from the butcher paper.
- If you’re making burnt ends, separate the point and the flat.
- Wrap the flat in a few layers of aluminum foil, a couple towels, and then place in a pre-warmed cooler with a couple 2 liter bottles of VERY HOT water. This will be your “faux cambro” and keep the meat temp high. I’ve left meat in the cooler for as long as four hours and it was still too hot to touch with bare fingers so it does work.
- Start making your burnt ends. Cube up the point to 2″ blocks (as best you can) and then drop them into a disposable baking pan.
- Mix 1 jar of BBQ sauce and 1/2 cup brown sugar in a bowl, then pour into the baking pan. Mix all that deliciousness up.
- Stick the burnt ends back on the grill at 225-250 for another couple hours. I oftentimes will put on some ribs while these cook since they cook at the same temp and toss another small block of pecan on the fire when I do it.
- Pull the burnt ends and slice the brisket when you’re ready to eat.